Monday 13 June 2011

Prayer of the Blood of Jesus Christ

Prayer of the Blood of Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus, deliver us, seal us and protect us with Your precious blood. Jesus, Seal me with your precious blood.
Lord Jesus, I thank you for your healing and liberating presence in my life. Thank you because when you shed your precious blood on the Cross, your passion, you were thinking of me and all mankind.
I repent and ask for forgiveness from the heart Jesus, for all my sins, banish me what produces evil, breaks every chain that binds me and cleanse me, inside and out, with your holy blood.
Lord Jesus. Seal with your precious blood, my spirit, my soul, my body, my mind, my heart and my whole being. Seal everything you do today, both spiritually and materially.
With your precious blood, seal Lord, my house inside and out, the foundations, columns, floors, walls, ceiling, doors and windows, every room, rooms and objects and animals that have in the house. 

Seal, also, with your powerful  Blood, Jesus, every person living in my house, people who visit us, each making up my family, you put a circle around her holy blood.
Protect us, Jesus, from the snares of the devil, the evil of all his followers, and people we can and do us harm.
Jesus, with your holy and powerful blood, seal the air, earth, fire, nature, components thereof and the material world in which we operate today.
Seal also all the food we eat today and the goods that you send us for our sustenance.
With the power of your blood, Jesus, seal the places I'll be gone today, people, companies or institutions with whom I want to try, the vehicles in which I am going to move, roads and highways that I will use.
Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer, a seal with your precious Blood, for protecting me from harm and free me from all evil. Amen. by evans njuabe a member

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